Tuesday, November 18, 2008

20 degree balmy November day brings winter white hats and big scarves.....

Briefly looking at the 25 degree temperature outside my bedroom window this morning I realized it was time to bust out the necessary cold weather gear. I have been hesitating to wear Alice's 1960's crotchet/knit slouchy beanie because I wasn't sure it was my style even though I adored it. The thing I didn't quite get was that the hat paired with a scarf knotted and tied in all different directions was just the right look to keep me warm and stay true to who I am. On my 1/2 mile walk to the bus I kept catching glimpses of the hat in shop windows and not only was it adorable, but it was my Alice.....
The above hat, from Banana Republic, is very similar to the one my grandmother made 40 years ago. The scarf is a gorgeous print that you can find at Anthropologie and is tied exactly the way it should be, messy and warm.