Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Inspiration - Early Flight

This week and through the month of April is going to be pure hectic craziness, so my posts might look a little different, but it's only because I am on the go! This week is Boston to LA to DC and back to Boston! Oye! As I dressed by mere candlelight (insert exaggeration here) at 5am this morning as to not wake the dogs or the hubby, I wasn't sure what to do with my hair! I decided to go a little retro by doing a slight side French braid pinned with a couple bobbies (similar to Ashley Greene)... The goal: to be comfortable on a five hour flight and still look ok when I land in LA!
Happy Wednesday!



Amy said...

You're too cute. And "mere candlelight" -- haha. You are a gem.

Whitney Parks said...

Safe travels! Cant wait to see you in DC!